My Saturday Morning Pages.
/My Thunderstorm gazing car. Our Pontiac catalina.
Dear Sugar-boogar (aka; Mom)
This morning I made our favorite, cinnamon-raisin toast, recalling how we’d always have ALL the favorites for each other’s visits, from raisin toast to Russo’s, a smorgasbord of unhealthy foods.
I settled in on the porch to watch the rain storm. I thought about how you’d let me go out and sit in the car in our driveway so I could watch a thunderstorm. The sound of the rain thumping on the car roof, the brilliance of the lightening. What a fun Mom you were. I know people thought we were a little quirky but what adventures we had living outside the box! So Mom, on what we would’ve celebrated as your 84th birthday today, I wrote this with you in mind. Thank you for honoring my love of rainstorms.
Love you more & miss you still, Karie-Lou❤️
What could be better than a Saturday morning rain storm? Instantly excusing me from my required outdoor projects? The sky suddenly displaying my favorite hue of periwinkle blue, a shadow blanketing the sun. Unseen clouds release heavy orbs of rain over our little yellow house. The rich dank smell of earth fills my memory banks with childhood days spent in the woods or watching a rain shower from our car window. Soothing musical notes of wind in the chimes and droplets hitting the sill, lull me to settle in and enjoy the view, from my cozy nest on the porch. All else can wait for now as the Master Creator is beckoning, “Come Away”.
Partners in Quirkiness