One Thing Leads To Another
/Dear Ones,
I hope all is well your way. This morning I busied myself with various tasks that have probably needed attention for a while (months? years?) Areas of neglect that are now staring me in the face as I shelter at home.
It began last week, with wanting to flip a rug around in the living room. And then, it happened, the old ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER scenario. “Wait! I’d better vacuum back there, oh no, I’d better wash that baseboard…” The next thing you know, I’ve got Mr. Wonderful attaching a bookcase to the wall (it’s been on my list for years) I’ve taken down curtains & thrown them in the washer, continued with ALL the woodwork, cleaned out an armoire, started sorting books & magazines stored in that cabinet. HOLY A.D.D. KAREN!
Here I am back at it again, because, well, YOU KNOW WHY. That stack of magazines ended up on the dining table of our screen porch, the plethora of morning devotional books I need to sort out ended up there too and a few days later, they’re still there. But by golly the inside of the house looks great and those curtains look SO clean, blowing in the breeze at the open windows. So, I made myself a latte’, plated a sliver of a guava cheese danish, (I’m rationing it for several reasons ALL of which have to do with the weight I’m packing on since this scenario began, but I digress) and began looking through my back issues of British Country Living Magazine. Can I just say, DELICIOUSNESS on all counts (latte’, danish and magazines)!
And now friends with last weeks tasks finally completed, I’ve been inspired, by way of delicious magazine, to paint another old piece of furniture. It’s an idea I’ve been contemplating for a while. As I began to disassemble the antique piece, I noticed coffee cup rings, a child’s initial, a puppy’s bite marks, where Charlie Bean-dog tried out his chompers so many years ago. Hang on! No getting stuck in the reminiscence of by gone days. Instead, maybe I’ll remove the rug from under that table, and scrub the porch floor beneath it, as I notice how bad the wicker furniture needs a good cleaning… and so it goes! One thing leads to another. But no, not this time. This time, just for today, I’ll allow myself the luxury of only painting that table and enjoying the beauty of this day. I hope you will too. It’s okay for things to just be, it’s really O.K.-Karen😊
Sending love from my imperfect house to yours, Towandagal
P.S. How’re things your way? How many of your projects have been leading to others? Let me know I’m not alone. Leave a note in the comment section. ❤️
Ok, i confess, i did hose off the little porch rug. It made Eddie B. Very happy.