Soon To Be Sixty-My Countdown Begins-116 days.
/Once upon a time...
In just 116 days I will turn sixty years old.
A few nights ago, I had a dream that I took on the task of writing on my blog again for the countdown to my birthday (AND of all the crazy things my “Mam-ma”/Grandmother showed up in the dream, more on this later).
This could be quite therapeutic for me, as I find great pleasure in writing. I write pretty frequently, but I haven't been putting it out there publicly in quite a while. There’s a few reasons for this, and I’ll probably touch on some of those reasons as I go along.
There were many goals on my to-do list, for this year leading up to my milestone birthday, some I have yet to complete, some turned out to require more ambition than I could muster, and still other plans keep emerging.
In the mean time, I’m going on my 116 day journey “Soon to be 60”, with my to do list, my writing and my photo’s to document things along the way. I hope you will follow along in my endeavor, I’d love your company and to hear from you.
I'm always snapping a photo to share...
I have cleaned up my inbox so we can keep in touch, I hope you’ll email me @
As always, have a glorious Sunday on this 14th day of August and “Enjoy the Beauty of this Day Dear”!
*You can also find me and my photos on INSTAGRAM @ Towandagal
and Facebook @