Happy 60th Fair Friend!
/Today is a very special day! Sixty years ago today, my dear friend Belinda Gale was born. Seventeen years later, we would meet up at a youth group we were both attending. We joined a "small group" for young women and I began riding to meetings with her in her Ford Pinto. As things usually went back in the day, she became part of our family, and our home was her second home. The summer of 1974, we embarked on a little backpacking journey in the Ocala National Forest. It was the first of many adventures we would share over the next forty two years.
Back in the day, she joined our crazy clan of friends that were my mothers "children from another mother".
Auntie Belinda with her fan club, my children.
My friend is that special aunt that teaches your children to drive, so that you don't kill them in the process. She's the kind of woman who models strength, faith and sensitivity to everyone she meets.
In the Allegheny National Forest 1977
Always the perfect example of beauty, strength and sensitivity. A real southern gal!
We've shared some crazy adventures over the years, backpacking in Florida and Pennsylvania, many antiquing trips and exploring the Big Island of Hawaii. You've been a sister, a rock and a beloved friend.
Thank you for your presence in my life over the years. I'm so thankful for our friendship. Happy Birthday Fair Friend!