IT'S TOWANDATUDE TUESDAY !! Introducing Heidi Lacy Olive.
/Introducing Heidi Lacy Olive. Age 30. Married to Steven Olive for four years. Her "day job" is with Starbucks. She has been employed as a Barista with the coffee purveyors for over eleven years has worked at thirteen different stores in five different states. Heidi won an essay contest a while back at her job. She was one of five employees chosen from the world wide competition. She won a trip to Costa Rica to see how the coffee biz is done start to finish.
Heidi's favorite quote: "Whatever the mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve." Napoleon Hill
When Heidi was fifteen years old her kidneys failed. A diagnosis was given that she had a rare kidney disease "M P G N -type 3" (Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis-type3) Later that year it was found that she needed a kidney transplant. Her Father was a match and gave Heidi one of his kidneys. Two years ago, the kidney failed. Heidi is presently on two lists awaiting a donor kidney. In the meantime, she goes to dialysis three times a week, holds down her job at Starbucks and continues to pursue her music career. She is also a massage therapist and an accomplished cook who does a little catering.
It's a beautiful day in sunny south Florida when Heidi and I sit down to talk. She has just returned from her three hour long dialysis session. She is the same curly haired blue eyed wonder that she was the first time I met her, when she was not even a year old. I am overwhelmed by her peaceful demeanor and beautiful smile.
I asked her about her thoughts on life, these are some of the things she shared with me. "I don't waste time with frivolities, it's important to realize what's really important. There is no reason not to enjoy every minute you have here while you have it."
She gains her strength from, "Believing that I am not alone, that I am one with God. It's not easy to go through the things I have to go through, but there is an unexplainable, supernatural peace that I don't have control over, it's always there. There is no distance or delay between us and God, our 'oneness' has no limits."
Heidi says she is kept from self pity "knowing there are other people who suffer much worse things" than her. One of her daily rituals? "Listing the things that I am thankful for, it helps me stay positive and keeps my mind off pain. Gratefulness cures many ailments!"
Her favorite pastime ? "Daydreaming with (hubby) Steven." They like to go to a favorite store, usually a book store and take pictures of places they'd like to go, people they'd like to meet or something they'd like to own. Then they hang the pictures up around their home to remind them of their dreams. Pretty cool !
So what's on the horizon for this Towandatude filled beauty ? Heidi is a talented musician. She is currently playing a few times a month at two different venues where she lives in Ohio. Heidi recently recorded a C.D. of her music entitled "YOU WERE MADE FOR JOY" that is currently in post production.
In parting, Heidi shared one more thing that she wants you to know; "I used to be afraid to tell people about my experiences with God, that I would be giving someone 'false hope', but then I heard him saying, I AM hope, and I am not false, He is the only true hope."
Heidi and Steven Olive