Don't give up on your dreams

Serene -  adj. marked by or suggestive of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude. unruffled, undisturbed.

Serenity -noun  the quality or state of being serene.

Serein- a very fine rain falling from a clear sky just after sunset. 

When going through a tough time in my life and experiencing a complete life "overhaul" many years ago, my future was uncertain. Where would we live ? What would I do to support myself ? Even though the future was uncertain, the canvas was wide open for painting the picture of what I would like my life to look like someday. I dreamed a lot about it, I wrote in my journals about it. I cut out pictures of what I'd like a home to look like and pasted them in a book. I kept those dreams close to my heart.

The words-definitions opening this post are written in those journals over and over.  They helped me to feel peaceful when I was alone and struggling. I dreamed of someone to love and to be loved in return, a yellow house and a place where I could garden, a place of serenity.

Don't give up on your dreams, hold fast to them, keep dreaming, envisioning your future, write about them, pray about them, hold them close to your heart. Above all Never, Ever, Give Up On Your Dreams. 

*below is a picture of me & Mr,Wonderful in front of what would become our little yellow dream house. 


Me and Mr. Wonderful, in front of what would become our little yellow dream house.

Me and Mr. Wonderful, in front of what would become our little yellow dream house.