Whatever You Dream You Can Do...

"Whatever YOU CAN DO or DREAM YOU CAN, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it !"  -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I have always loved this quote. For many years I had a little Mary Englebreit drawing with this quote on it taped to my bathroom mirror. I kept dreaming, but rarely did I "begin it".  

All my life I have written things. Stories, poetry, letters, grocery lists, two half finished children's books etc... I have poetry I wrote in childhood, in school or in the closet. Some was dark teenage romancesque. A bookshelf holds many years worth of journals and dust. Mostly with any of the things I was just "sort of" skilled at, I did nothing.

When I was blessed with three incredibly artistic children, I was determined that they would not fall into my footsteps. I quickly learned that you cannot fight someone else's blockages for them. Thankfully, over the years they have fought for themselves and won, creating amazing beauty. 

Recently I have been reading a book entitled "The War of Art". The Author's name is Steven Pressfield. In his short little book, he talks about this lack of follow through. He names it "RESISTANCE". I am a lover of resistance. I'll follow any path you place before me rather than finish a dream. Just call me when I'm writing, I'll answer ! That's another way to say I'm a self sabotager. ( I know spell check, I know ! ) Why create today what I can put off for another year ?  

I know that many of you are just like me. You have secret dreams, visions of things you'd love to create, maybe it's a painting, or maybe it's a wall in your home. Maybe you'd like to garden, but have no yard ? Make some planter gardens. DO one teeny tiny little thing. It will open the path for your creativity to shine through. We're all just waiting to see your beauty shine ! 

So, muster up some TOWANDATUDE and remember what Mr. Goethe said; "WHATEVER YOU CAN DO OR DREAM YOU CAN, BEGIN IT. BOLDNESS HAS GENIUS, POWER AND MAGIC IN IT" and YOU ARE MAGICAL ! In all the world there is NO ONE quite like YOU. Glorious, Magnificent YOU.


A little planter from a while back

A little planter from a while back